Almost every city in ancient Greece would have been founded by a hero from the past, which are closely in touch with the gods stood.
For the inhabitants of Kos was that a certain Harmylos.
Here, in what is now Pyli, was Harmylos and the twelve Olympian gods honored in a building with a barrel vault and six niches in each of the side walls.
The building dates from the 4th century BC.
Beyond the grave you recognize the remains of a temple or a mausoleum.
The back wall of it was later used as the left wall of a chapel.
Especially the front of the chapel is very beautiful, with two sandstone blocks which in you can identify an early Christian cross embossing.
The stone inscription (3rd century BC.) next to the entrance of the chapel can be seen that this holy place was dedicated to the Olympian gods and the hero Harmylos.